Helena High School Senior Interview Day
Friday, November 13
8:30 a.m. – 12:00 noon (approx.)
Volunteer Notification Deadline: October 31
Helena High school has asked the HBA's assistance in recruiting volunteers for Senior Interview Day, to be held from 8:30 a.m. until approximately noon on Friday, November 13.
The school needs business people who understand the interview process and can give constructive criticism to their very nervous seniors, all while encouraging them and helping them improve their interview skills. It is very important that this be a learning experience and an uplifting activity for them. This has been a very positive experience for both the students and interviewers in the past, and HHS hopes to see a large turnout of local business owners and managers participate.
Anyone interested should contact Ms. Kim Bailey, HHS Counselor, at 205-682-3650 or at KBailey@Shelbyed.k12.al.us no later than Friday, October 31.