Holiday Wreath Decorating Contest

>>  Download the Holiday Wreath Decorating Contest Application

The Helena Business Association is hosting a holiday wreath-decorating contest that is open to all Helena businesses. The HBA is bringing back the competition that last occurred in 2011 where businesses must create a wreath with decorations that are directly related to their business.

Business must submit one high-resolution photo of the wreath on the door or wall of the business and additional decorations to the business can be done, but the wreath will be the only thing that is judged.

Outdoor wreaths are recommended but indoor wreaths will qualify if fully visible from the street or sidewalk in front of the business.

The submission deadline for the contest will be Wednesday, Nov. 18 before 5 p.m. Central Standard Time.

Contestant photos will be placed on the HBA’s Facebook page and the people’s choice judging will take place on the HBA Facebook page using the number of “likes” received and will count for one-third of the score.  Two independent jurors will account for the other two-thirds of the score.

Judging criteria will be based on how well the wreath relates to the business, originality, how well the wreath relates to the holiday season, overall attractiveness and scale of the wreath vs. its surroundings.

The winning business will receive a $100 cash prize from the HBA, promotion in local newspapers and magazines, as well as being promoted on the HBA Facebook page and website.

Contestants should email one photo of the wreath to Bob Van Loan at with an entry form. Additional photos are recommended.

The winner will be announced at Helena First Friday on Friday, Dec. 4.

For additional questions, contact Bob Van Loan at 972-897-4919.

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